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Pediatric dentist banned us from the clinic

March 14, 2015

I have an autistic child. She sometimes has an issue where something sets her off and she sits down and screams.  If you try to touch her during these episodes it just makes her worse.  You just need to let her alone and she gets past it.  Unfortunately, my pediatric clinic doesn’t agree and he’s asked us never to come back again.  I am beside myself because it is the only pediatric clinic in our small town.  Do you have any recommendations for how I can change his mind?

Stacy L.- Minnesotta


I’m sorry for the trauma your daughter is going through and for the stress you must feel in her caregiving.  Some practitioners are still unfamiliar with autistic children and their needs.  Many people aren’t aware that children don’t have to see a pediatric dentist. There are general dentists who love treating children.  That should put your mind at ease regarding not having another pediatric clinic in your area.

I suggest you call around in your area. Explain the situation. I’m sure you’ll find a dentist who is sympathetic to your situation and is willing to work with you.  I might even see if  a dentist is willing to schedule your appointments first thing, so your daughter can be brought straight back to the operatory without having to wait. It will help alleviate some of the pressure on you.

This blog is brought to you by Oklahoma City Dentist Dr. Don Swearingen.

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