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Meth is ruining my teeth, but I’m afraid the dentist will turn me in

April 15, 2015

I’ve been a meth user for a while.  My teeth are starting to rot and I think it’s because of the meth. I should probably go to the dentist, but I’m a little afraid he’ll turn me in. Is there some other excuse I can give him for my teeth?

Name Withheld

Dear Meth User,

It’s much more likely your dentist will focus on your treatment than your meth use. Dentists get into the field because they want to help people.  I think the only time you’d have to be concerned about a dentist turning you in is if he or she thought you were putting anyone in danger. For instance, if you were driving while high on meth.  So long as you come to the dental office without being high you don’t have anything to worry about.

Your teeth are a different story. Meth use is absolutely horrible for your teeth. Meth mouth is what dentists call it. You need to be seen right away.  If you don’t have a dentist, I would see an emergency dentist. They’ll see non-established patients more quickly.  Just explain what is going on.

This blog is brought to you by Oklahoma City Dentist Dr. Don Swearingen